torsdag 31. januar 2008

Eg og Sivert

Eg gjekk åleine heim frå Hulen, det var kaldt inni regnjakka og slapset seig bestemt inn i joggeskorne. Det var ingen lydar anna enn ordkverna i hjernen min som spann lange setningar. Eg tenkte på alt eg skulle skrive. Det er framleis så mykje eg skulle ha sagt. Men, som dei siste dagane har lært meg, meir tydeleg ein nokon gong: Det er ikkje lurt å seie for mykje. I alle fall ikkje alt. Når eg spyr orda ut or systemet utan sensur vert det til sist ikkje anna att enn smaken av magesyre og flause. Eg har eit altfor stort behov for å male kjenslene mine store og pompøse på veggjene, og eg må skjerpe meg. Så langt i dette Herrens år 2008 har eg ikkje vore anna enn ein dum, dramatisk kjærleiksdinosaur. Difor har eg bestemt meg for å late Sivert Høyem seie ord for natta med Madrugada sin "Norwegian Hammerworks Corp.". Han er flinkare å formulere seg enn eg er (i alle fall etter ein halv liter Famous). Så ver så god, Sivert.

(Og unnskyld til alle som har blitt overfalt av mine valdelege mengder av nattord i løpet av 20 år)

Let me tell you about the way the hammer moves
The hammer goes up and down
And hits the nail, on the head each time
That's the point
All right in 1998
It's getting hard to go to sleep at night
And hard to get up in the morning
I tell myself, I'm going too hard, too rash, too long, too long
But this is not the truth
There's no sign of no big break down
It's just these little things that keep putting me of the track
Yeah, I have a notion of moving around in circles
Things just keep getting worse and worse
'Til they get all the way around
And then eveything turns out alright
In one single flash I see both shows
Computer, cigarettes, photograph, pens and pencils
Pop-craving critics curving
A doctor tried to cure me of these shells
I stopped seeing him
I heard nothing more about being mentally ill
In one single flash comes words, no poetry
Did you put on weight
I take two, not one
A man with one arm
Best beer ever to come out of Belgium
If you kept drinking like this it wouldn't have to be
It's not like I'm real hateful with our friends, our beloved friends
VCR, last goodbyes, this is not the time for all I love you's
This nail is bent and broken, straighten it out with the hands of love
This is where the hammer hits, this is its golden tongue
There speaks no more, this is the same that were never moved
This is the tsar at will, this is where the hammer hit, this is when the turnpike
This nail is bent and broken, straighten it out with the hands of love
With the hands of love, with the hands of love
With the hands of love yeah, with the hands of love yeah
With the hands of love yeah, with the hands of love
With the hands of love, with the hands of love yeah

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